Mental health issues among national and international students during Covid-19

Social distancing, school closing, uncertainties of new semesters, financial issues, being away from their family and isolation may trigger fears of abandonment, dissociation, separation anxiety and insecurities among students with mental health issues. Without solid external structure, routines and existing dubious environment; a state of instability and/or making a sense of purpose could affect vulnerable students. The Covid-19 pandemic can excessively impact students in negative ways and along with a lack of support systems for them, could initiate symptoms to elevate at alarmingly new levels.

We as counsellors can certainly assist clients who are struggling with, either Covid-19 situational or genetic mental issues; amplified by current circumstances and are experiencing dark days.

Please feel free to share your personal experience.


Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) – coping with relationships in a BPD rage fit


Mental health and Covid-19