Frequently Asked Questions

Is therapy right for me?

People start therapy for several reasons: typically either as a reaction to an event or as a proactive measure in maintaining positive mental health. Do you feel unhappy with your relationships, career, or confidence but feel stuck and need help making changes? Have you recently experienced a life-changing or difficult event? Maybe you’re struggling with a break-up, the loss of a loved one, or a big transition? Or maybe you’re dealing with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, or a phobia?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, therapy might be a good idea.

Where and how are sessions conducted?

Due to social distancing and COVID-19 restrictions, all sessions are conducted virtually via Zoom, WhatsApp, or phone. I’m happy to discuss your preferred method of communication.

What will the first session be like?

After you reach out, we’ll book in an introductory consultation. During this, we’ll get to know each-other to ensure that you feel comfortable and we feel a solid fit. I’ll start by collecting some background information, with a focus on your current concerns and issues. We’ll then discuss a therapy plan — including session frequency — and move on from there.

How will I know if we’re the right fit?

A strong relationship — even with your therapist — depends in large part on chemistry, transparency, mutual respect, and trust. My goal is to create a safe space for you, void of judgement and ego, from the get go. If you feel comfortable and understood after our first session, I hope you’ll continue with me. Along the way as we work together, I will remain empathetic and be open to feedback.

What is the length and frequency of sessions?

Sessions last an average of 50-60 minutes. Depending on our therapy plan, we might decide on up to two sessions per week.

How long will I need counselling for?

That’s up to you.  If you’re new to therapy, or are exploring unprocessed trauma, counselling may make you feel a bit worse before you feel better. The key is pushing past the uncomfortable times to be able to get to greener pastures. While I can’t tell you how long it’ll take to get there — I can tell you that the more you put into therapy, the more you’ll get out of it. My aim is to equip you with all the tools necessary to start affecting positive change in your life so that eventually… you don’t need counselling at all.

How much does each session cost?

Please reach out to me if you’d like a breakdown of my individual session costs. Payments must be made via bank transfer at least 24 hours before the scheduled session. I have a 48-hour cancellation policy, so you will be billed the full amount if you cancel less than 48 hours in advance.