Here’s How I Can Help You

  • Anxiety

    Feeling fearful, confused or overwhelmed?

    Anxiety is the most common cause for seeking counselling. Stressful situations can provoke anxiety, fear and panic in us and can leave us feeling powerless and out of control.

    Anxiety if unattended can cause difficulties in relationships, interpersonal relationships at work, it can affect moods and behaviours.

    Counselling sessions can help manage stress and anxiety by exploring the source of the problems as well as ways to cope and overcome them.

  • Depression

    Feeling low and hopeless often?

    We can all feel sad, hopeless and miserable from time to time. Such feelings can be triggered by events or sometimes for no reasons at all, but if these feelings persist, it can be signs of depression.

    Some common symptoms are overwhelming feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, lack of motivation, sleeplessness, concentration difficulty, social withdrawal, crying, loss of appetite, suicidal thoughts, lack of pleasure, irritability. Such feelings can continue for weeks or months and interfere in daily lives, relationships, work and health.

    Counselling sessions or therapy can help you find ways to deal with negative thought processes.

  • PTSD

    PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can occur after any traumatic event.

    A traumatic event can be defined as an event where one witnesses injury or death of a close family, friend, colleague or pet. Or any other tragic event which is perceived as danger and can lead to PTSD.

    Some of the symptoms PTSD are flashbacks or nightmares; avoiding anyone or anything that is reminded of the trauma; being on guard, irritable, being vigilant all the time.

    PTSD can be alleviated through counselling and therapy sessions.

  • Phobias

    People may develop many fears of different nature over a period of time. A phobia is an excessive and irrational fear reaction. If you have a phobia, you may experience a deep sense of dread or panic when you encounter the source of your fear. The fear can be of a certain place, situation, or object. Unlike general anxiety disorders, a phobia is usually connected to something specific.

    Therapy can help one to overcome such fears and thus give us the ability to carry on with our lives without or at least with minimal phobias.

  • Anger

    Anger by definition is a strong feeling of hostility, annoyance or displeasure. It is a basic core emotion and at its root it flags that something in one’s life or environment isn’t right.

    Depending on the source or some deep underlying resentment; anger manifests differently for people. Anger can be constructive as it can help motivate to take action to make the wrong thing right.

    On the other hand anger can be destructive and if not handled productively, can lead to actions that may trigger interpersonal, personal relationships and health issues. Anger impacts a person’s mental health and certain behaviors; disorders and phobias are linked to this emotion.

    Counselling sessions can help those who struggle with anger of any intensity, by learning certain skills and techniques to manage and process this powerful emotion which can lead to positive change and growth.

  • How to handle relationships


    Struggling in your personal, family and interpersonal relationships? Finding communication a challenge with family, colleagues or boss?

    Relationships are complex and many external pressures can put stress on us and our relationships. Counselling sessions will help explore historical patterns and gaps in one's relationships thus improving communication skills, move from negative behaviors and form healthier relationships.

  • Low Self Esteem

    Positive self-esteem is important in life – especially at work and in our relationships. Certain events and traumas in childhood or adulthood can impact our sense of self-worth.

    Exhaustion, lack of motivation, feelings of failure, or thinking negatively about your abilities and capabilities are some signs of low self-esteem and a lack of confidence.

    Counselling can help you explore how your low self-confidence may have evolved from your earlier childhood experiences or more recent events. By changing our negative interpretations of ourselves, we can change how we feel and improve our self-esteem at the same time.

  • Grief

    Grief and loss are part of our human experience. We can experience loss at any age: loss of a parental figure, mentor, family member, friend, or even a pet. While the experience of grief is challenging, it shows us that this person (or furry companion) had a deep impact on our lives.

    Whatever loss you have experienced, you don’t need to navigate it alone. You deserve support in your grief to help you make sense of your feelings and learn how to live with the loss. Grief can bring up tons of different emotions, or leave us completely numb. However you’re feeling, I’m here to support you and help you process your pain through healthy avenues.

Wherever you’re at, whatever you need -