How to keep a New Year's Resolution | Steps to think and take while making your 2022 resolutions

Acting on a resolution requires a stronger mindset than just merely making a resolution. 

It means we care about adhering to what we tell ourselves we’ll do and that's how we can end up actually keeping a resolution.

For instance, we all want to be fitter, healthier and feel happier about our bodies. However, unless we have a plan to move towards this by implementing exercise habits, eating right, and blocking out time to care for our bodies, we would get dissuaded by the little-to-no progress. 

Firstly, try making SMART goals.  

S- Specific


A – Attainable/Achievable

R- Realistic

T- Time bound

For example: a goal of running X km's or weight loss of Y kilos/pounds. 

SMART goals would help you avoid dropping out or walking away from goals or resolutions vwhen compared to those that are vague. 

Secondly, remember that the key to keeping resolutions is to feed yourself with positive self-talk and to be forgiving when you miss the mark. 

It's an iterative process to incrementally improve yourself.

Instead of telling ourselves 'Don't eat junk food,' we should be telling ourselves the behavior we desire, like 'Eat carrots or seasoned cucumbers as a healthy snack.'

Thirdly, goals need to be made for the individual. So often, people seem to be influenced by their friends, their family, and what they see in society. 

It's important to set goals that are unique to you. 

After all, you're the one going to be feeling great when you manage to stick to your resolution. 

On the flipside, when we decide to do something and we don't follow through-it leads to a vicious cycle of loss of self-respect, self-trust, weakening of self-confidence & control. 

This situation can be avoidable if we can strategize the execution of our resolutions which can manifest better results. 

Understanding the word etymology of ‘Resolution’ would help us. It comes from the word 'Resolve', which refers to making up your mind about something. 

It's a decision, not some wishful thinking we'd hope comes true for us. 

A year-end Reflection and Introspection on your resolutions can help you make key decisions in the current year; in the areas of life you want to focus your energy into, for eg:  attaining quality of life hollistically.

A concrete plan can be created with steps and milestones for achieving what you believe will generate more happiness and fulfillment for you. 

Try answering this critical question while you set your resolutions: What are the key themes that I want to expand on and bring into focus this year, and for what desired outcomes? 

These can be good health decisions, personal relationships or figuring out how you can improve your financial position this year.

Look outside for help when you need it, to help assess your progress towards keeping your resolution.

Even if you're off the mark at the end of 2022, you've still worked towards your ultimate objective-so give yourself a hi-5 or pat on a back for that! 

Happy New Year. 

Best Wishes,

Chitra Sahgal,



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