How to deal with Work-from-home(WFH) Stress

Work from home (WFH) has been testy for many since the concept of home and workspace merged into one for the first time in modern history in 2020, and many are left feeling lonely, missing office commutes or meeting colleagues.

Almost 2 Years on, we may have adjusted to communicating with talking heads on a screen, but the lack of human connection and physical inactivity has left an adverse impact on the overall mental and physical well-being Burnout, increased anxiety & even depression are often some of the issues with some clients.

WFH stress can manifest in many ways. For one, days can begin to feel monotonous and we can also lose track of what day it is or even the date of the month. The “Always On” hustle mindset can even pressure a person to the point of exhaustion and fatigue

Besides the WFH disadvantages mentioned above, Social isolation, fear of contagion, unemployment, and loss of family members are also facts that compound to the distress and other mental health issues.

Here are some other causes of WFH stress:

1)      No set Structure-You may struggle with getting your day going, officially ending your day, and taking time for yourself for breaks and lunch. This can throw off your work-life balance.

2)      Home-related Distractions -Receiving deliveries,getting non-work-related calls and texts,spending time on social media, watching television caring for pets or dealing with neighborhood sounds (gardeners, trash trucks, etc.)

3)      Demarcating Boundaries -Family members, friends, and neighbors may ask you for help or to engage with them during your working hours.

How to deal with WFH weariness:

1.      Schedule Mini Digital Detox Breaks: Set aside time to escape all forms of digital screens. Give your eyes, neck, shoulders, and back a much-needed rest!

2.      Design your Home Office for optimal productivity- be it ergonomic chairs or wider desk spaces.

3.      Keep Moving/Exercising periodically.

4.      Take a few minutes out to do what you enjoy (Reading, cooking or listening to music/watching tv shows)

5.      Have a morning ritual that empowers you to be proactive.

6.      Have a break time scheduled for your lunch for a better structure to your day.

7.      Mark the end of your workday with a simple ritual: a light walk, putting your work things out of sight or lighting an aromatic candle.

8.      Catch up with an old friend every now and then.

9.      Use Technology to organize your day-Time Management Apps can help you prioritize tasks better. 


If you resonated with any of these quick tips and would like to discuss more about how to optimize your stress levels for greater productivity, let's connect.


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