Pets – An Emotional Balm

Pets have an amazing ability to provide comfort to us in any situation, be it in sadness or joy. Their unconditional love ‘lifts our spirits’ and they are always there to listen to us, be present with us when alone or in a crowd and even sit with us patiently. The lockdown has enabled everyone to spend more time with their pets and even through all the uncertainty and fear, pets are providing comfort and security to many, like an emotional balm. Pets can keep us centered and give us that warmth and love even in times of unpredictable emotional turmoil. Pets come in various shapes and sizes, furry, scaly, squeaky, or crawly. 

Pets without speaking convey so much to humans, which can only make us realize that more than words; empathy, love and comfort can be sensed and shared by physically being present and connected.

Please share how your pet has been able to provide comfort to you in any situation.


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